Terms of Use

Terms of Free License

The Travel Care Code (“Care Code”) is available for free use and republication by other organizations and individuals under the terms of this license. The Travel Care Code Workgroup has developed the Care Code to help educate, inform and influence as many visitors and travelers as possible. Therefore the purpose of this license is to make the Travel Care Code free and widely available to copy, publish (either in print or via digital media) and redistribute either commercially or non-commercially. Secondarily, this license preserves for the Center a way to get credit for its work, while not being considered responsible for the content, message or material into which the Code may be placed.

Legal Disclaimer

Travel Care Code Workgroup accepts no responsibility for the content or material into which the Care Code may be placed and with which it may be published. This product is provided as is, without representation as to its fitness for any purpose, and without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.  Travel Care Code Workgroup shall not be liable for any damages, including special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, with respect to any claim arising out of or in connection with the use of the product, even if it has been or is hereafter advised of the possibility of such damages.

Free Use

This material may be freely copied and distributed subject to the terms of this notice, and inclusion of the following link; our World Wide Web URL http://www.travelcarecode.org

You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or non-commercially, provided that the following terms are complied with:

  • The Care Code is published conforming to the specs and design guidelines outlined in the ‘Download Travel Care Code’ page.
  • The Care Code is reproduced only as shown and with only the following limited modification permitted: your organization’s name or logo and/or the logo of a sponsor can be placed in the lower left of the Care Code in the box “brought to you by.”
  • Modification or creation of derivative works of this product is not allowed. Permission to modify the layout or visual content can be gained from Purdue Tourism and Hospitality Research Center – Sustainable Tourism Initiative.
  • In all digital publications and in all media you include a link to the Care Code web site with the anchor text: “Travel Care Code” and a link to our web site: http://www.travelcarecode.org
  • You and/or your organization may not claim to have developed or sponsored the Care Code or to be endorsed by, or a sponsor of, the Travel Care Code Workgroup. However, if you are interested in sponsoring or partnering in our work, we would welcome the opportunity to connect.
  • The names of the Universities participating in the Travel Care Code work Group are not used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use or distribution of this product without specific, written prior authorization.
  • You may not accept compensation in exchange for this Care Code specifically – though the Care Code can be placed in publications or other content elements (print or digital) which are sold or licensed for a fee.
  • You may submit comments, feedback and suggestions for changes and updates to the Care Code by contacting the Center – see the About Us Page.