How to encourage more environmentally responsible behavior

How to encourage more environmentally responsible behavior

Focusing on positive messaging that highlights the benefits of environmentally responsible behavior can induce positive emotional responses, which motivate tourists to want to become better versions of themselves.

In a study on tourists from a popular tourist destination in India, researchers Sajid et al., (2024) found that travelers we more motivated to better behaviors when presented with the positive outcomes of responsible travel than by being told about the negatives. These messages had the potential to change their behaviors – and their norms.

The study recommended using ‘social proof,’ such as storytelling and educational efforts to motivate responsible behavior by spotlighting the actions of other responsible tourists. This can be implemented through many communication channels including brochures, bulletin boards, and publicity posters to create awareness among tourists about the positive outcomes of environmentally responsible behavior such as keeping the destination clean, maintaining infrastructure, and preserving the scenic beauty.

The study can be found here.

Sajid, M., Zakkariya, K. A., Surira, M. D., & Peethambaran, M. (2024). Flipping the script: how awareness of positive consequences outweigh negative in encouraging tourists’ environmentally responsible behavior? Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 32(7), 1350–1369. 

Ailin Fei