Guidelines to Customize

Guidelines to Develop Your Own Responsible Traveler Education

8 messages to consider including in your custom responsible traveler education

For destinations, businesses, or organizations that wish to develop their own customized messaging and communications, we summarize below the 8 areas of messaging that you may wish to include in your responsible traveler education. For each guideline, we provide background information, supporting research (where available), and examples of programs that include this type of messaging.

Starting with our work on the ‘Travel Care Code in 2010, we have reviewed and summarized the responsible traveler messaging from hundreds of organizations and destinations. We have also reviewed the available industry and academic research on what has the greatest positive impact – on visitors’ behavior and on environmental or community outcomes. These 8 areas of possible messaging are introduced in the guidelines below – to help develop your own program, or available in a ‘Ready to Use’ version for you to quickly customize with your own logo and use for free.

We welcome comments and feedback on these 8 areas of messaging – edits or additions we should consider to make them clearer and more informative. Please contact us with any suggestions.

A simple set of guidelines that destinations can use to encourage responsible travel

#1 of 8

Help visitors learn about your destination

Educating visitors about destinations can promote responsible travel and enhance their experience. Many travelers seek positive impacts, but few learn about destinations’ natural attractions, wildlife, culture, and heritage.

#2 of 8

Don’t Leave Your Good Habits at Home

Travelers often struggle to maintain eco-friendly habits on the road due to differing local guidelines and lack of information. Destinations help by offering resources and opportunities to support local environmental and social initiatives.

#3 of 8

Protect & Respect Nature & Heritage

Travelers need guidance to minimize their impact on sensitive natural areas and important cultural or historical sites. For example reminders to stay on trails, not feed or disturb wildlife and interact with sensitivity and respect in cultural & heritage areas.

#4 of 8

Be an Energy-Efficient Traveler

Many travelers worry about their environmental impact. Destinations assist by providing guides to electric-vehicle charging stations and promoting “slow travel” experiences like biking, trains, and walking trails.

#5 of 8

Be Waste-Wise

Reducing waste while traveling is challenging. Destinations can assist by explaining local recycling, providing ample trash cans, and discouraging single-use plastics. Making it easy encourages responsible behavior.

#6 of 8

Be a Good Guest & Respect the Locals

Encouraging visitors to respect locals benefits both travelers and residents. Destinations help by promoting engagement with local culture, explaining customs, and sharing Indigenous wisdom, enhancing experiences for all.

#7 of 8

Help visitors make their money matter

DMOs prioritize increasing tourism’s economic benefits. Visitors also want their spending to support local businesses. DMOs guide travelers to buy from small businesses, artisans, and farm-to-table restaurants, enhancing experiences and boosting the local economy.

#8 of 8

Encourage visitors to bring their experiences home

Transformational travel experiences can teach visitors new, sustainable behaviors. DMOs share local insights and practices, enhancing life quality for both the destination community and the travelers at home.