Jordan’s Meaningful Map

Jordan’s Meaningful Map

Spotlight: Making Travel to Jordan Meaningful

Country: Jordan
Organization: Jordan Tourism Board North America

Consumer website

Unique, authentic experiences in one of the most culturally rich countries in the world – with the confidence that your money is supporting local social enterprises. The Meaningful Travel Map of Jordan, a collaborative project between Tourism Cares and the Jordan Tourism Board North America, features 12 social enterprises spread throughout Jordan. Travelers can enjoy a range of experiences – from staying in the desert at a Bedouin camp to hiking the Jordan trail, from learning to cook traditional Jordanian dishes to exploring archeological wonders with local guides.

Social enterprises featured on the meaningful map are organizations set up to achieve social goals by delivering unique products to travelers. Travelers contribute to local communities and support issues from empowering women to protecting the environment. By choosing to experience the products on the Meaningful Map, travelers ensure their travel budget is going to make a positive impact in Jordan.

Jonathon Day

Dr. Jonathon Day, an Associate Professor at Purdue's School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, has over 20 years of experience in destination management. His research focuses on sustainable tourism and responsible travel, emphasizing corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship.