Quebec City

Quebec City

Spotlight: Quebec City Offers Carbon Offsets

State and Country: Quebe, Canada
Organization: Quebec City

Consumer website

Quebec City is helping travelers offset their carbon footprint and help fight climate change. Quebec City, the destination marketing organization, has partnered with Carbone Boreal a research facility at the University of Quebec to assist visitors to measure their carbon footprint and buy carbon offsets that support forestation.

The carbon calculator on the Quebec City website helps visitors understand the impacts of their travel, meals, outdoor activities, accommodation and even participation in festivals and events. For carbon-conscious travelers this is a great resource.
Travel is a carbon intensive activity. While carbon offsets aren’t the solution to climate change, as the tourism system transitions to lower carbon they provide a immediate and positive way to compensate for our visitors carbon emissions.

Jonathon Day

Dr. Jonathon Day, an Associate Professor at Purdue's School of Hospitality and Tourism Management, has over 20 years of experience in destination management. His research focuses on sustainable tourism and responsible travel, emphasizing corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship.