13 May Love Vail

Spotlight: Love Vail: Community Positive Tourism
State and Country: – Vail, Colorado
Organization: Town of Vail
‘Love Vail’, the town of Vail, Colorado’s Responsible Traveler education is based on the principle of ‘Community Positive Tourism’. Love Vail is is guided by a 10-year Stewardship Roadmap. Central to this strategy is an understanding that a strong community in Vail is essential to a visitor economy that works for everyone.
Responsible visitor education is focused around the principle of bringing resident values into traveler outreach – including the principles of good stewards (of natural resources) and good neighbors (whether a resident or visiting) to locals who call Vail home.
Love Vail includes a range of messages and media (paid, owned and earned) to ensure that visitors are engaged from topline awareness of Vail all the way through the travel planning and trip funnel to influencing visitor behavior in the destination.